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Metro do Porto News

MP 001 – The “new” vehicle being tested

24 January 2018

MP 001 – The “new” vehicle being tested

The new Metro do Porto’s vehicle is already in service. A fully refurbished composition with an innovative interior architecture has now its capacity increased. With all seats arranged in longitudinal position with more space for customers, this "new" Metro is a pilot project that will be tested over the next months in the lines with highest occupancy rate: Yellow line (between the Hospital de S. João and Santo Ovídio) and Violet line (which serves the Airport).
Having surpassed for the first time the barrier of 60 million customers in 2017, Metro do Porto is now testing a solution to sustain the fast growth of demand, keeping high quality standards that the customers are used to and also meeting the expectations with the increase of comfort and accessibility in travels.
In this version of Eurotram, the seats are positioned at the sides of the vehicle, what amplifies the interior space of the composition. This solution increases the occupation capacity in around 10 per cent, when compared with the original architecture. Beyond the comfort and commodity that this new vehicle offers to clients, these changes improve the capacity to transport volume baggage, a relevant fact in Violet Line (E), between Estádio do Dragão and Aeroporto.
The vehicle now reconfigured is precisely the first of Metro do Porto’s fleet (received almost 17 years, in May 2001). With more than 1 million kilometres travelled in commercial service, MP 001 was also fully painted and object of a total revision (as happens to all other vehicles of this fleet).
The tests with the MP 001 will be held for three months. Finished this period, the company will be able to make an evaluation of this "pilot" and get some precise information about the impact and sustainability of these adaptations in Eurotram fleet (72 vehicles in total) in this layout. The Tram-train (30), operating in the Red Line (Estádio do Dragão - Póvoa de Varzim) and Green Line (Campanhã - ISMAI), keeps its original configuration with a hundred seats per unit.