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Metro do Porto News

Social and Environmental Benefits

26 October 2009

Social and Environmental Benefits

More than 3 billion euros

The social and environmental benefits resulting from the operation of the Metro do Porto network are estimated to be greater than three billion euros (EUR 3,058,233,000).

More than 3 billion euros

The social and environmental benefits resulting from the operation of the Metro do Porto network are estimated to be greater than three billion euros (EUR 3,058,233,000). This is the estimated impact over the first twenty-seven years of the network’s operation (in other words, up to 2030), and without considering the effect of the lines of the project’s second phase.
Presently, considering the period from the commencement of commercial operations, January 2003, to the end of the first six months of 2005, the social and environmental benefits produced by Metro do Porto already total more than 60 million euros (EUR 62,982,000).